Arizona State University
MAT 543 (Abstract Algebra I), Fall 2024.
MAT 598 (Introduction to Algebraic Geometry and Toric Varieties), Fall 2023.
MAT 442 (Advanced Linear Algebra), Fall 2023.
MAT 441 (Ring Theory), Spring 2023.
MAT 442 (Advanced Linear Algebra), Fall 2022.
New Mexico State University
Math 456/526 (Abstract Algebra I: Groups and Rings), Spring 2022.
Math 1521G (Calculus and Analytic Geometry II), Spring 2022.
Math 331 (Introduction to Modern Algebra), Fall 2021.
Math 1521G (Calculus and Analytic Geometry II), Fall 2021.
Math 698 (Introduction to Algebraic Statistics), Spring 2021.
Math 1531 (Introduction to Higher Mathematics), Spring 2021.
Math 481/525 (Advanced Linear Algebra), Fall 2020.
Math 192G (Calculus and Analytic Geometry II), Fall 2020.
Math 583 (Introduction to Algebraic Geometry), Spring 2020.
Math 480 (Matrix Theory and Applied Linear Algebra), Fall 2019.
Math 291G (Calculus and Analytic Geometry III), Fall 2019.
Math 192G (Calculus and Analytic Geometry II), Spring 2019.
Math 191G (Calculus and Analytic Geometry I), Fall 2018.
University of Kansas
Math 147 (Calculus III, Honors), Spring 2018
Math 558 (Introductory Modern Algebra), Fall 2017.
Math 290 (Elementary Linear Algebra), Fall 2017.
Math 590 (Linear Algebra), Summer 2017.
Math 590 (Linear Algebra), Spring 2017.
Math 290 (Elementary Linear Algebra), Fall 2016.
Math 147 (Calculus III, Honors), Fall 2016.
Math 290 (Elementary Linear Algebra), Spring 2016.
Math 223 (Vector Calculus), Spring 2016.
Math 590 (Linear Algebra), Fall 2015.
Purdue University
Introductory Analysis I, Spring 2014, for business students.
Introductory Analysis II, Fall 2013, for business students.
Recitation instructor for:
Plane Analytic Geometry And Calculus I, Spring 2013, for engineering and science students.
Plane Analytic Geometry And Calculus II, Spring 2012, for engineering and science students.
Multivariable Calculus, Fall 2011, for engineering and science students.
Multivariable Calculus, Fall 2010, for mathematics students.
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Linear Algebra, Spring 2009, for engineering students.
Calculus I, Fall 2008, for engineering students.